I have a new toy to share with you and I must say that I am extremely excited. I must admit that excited doesn't even begin to cover it. Try ecstatic. I have been wanting one for several years now and now was the time to take the plunge. Yes I purchased the Tin Lizzie DLS with the Phoenix frame or as I will be calling her in my future posts, Liz. She joins my Brother Embroidery machine (Maddey) and my Grandma's trusty Kenmore sewing machine (Nina - named after my grandmother of course), which is next to impossible to break.
Well I was all set to get my "new toy" on Friday (7/20). I sent my kidos to daycare in the morning to pick up by 1pm so we could have our usual "Pool Friday". It has been so hot that we actually haven't been able to stay at the pool for very long because the sun has just been too strong. Anyways, the machine tech got the frame all set up, leveled, balanced, etc. He goes and puts the machine on it. Now I am getting super excited! The machine is on the frame and he plugs it in. He turns it on and we hear a cranking noise kind of like the machine is stuck or something and then it stops. It just locks up. He spends the next hour trying to get it to work and calls the store back, so on and so forth. He then tells me he has to take it back for the store to fix it. Talk about a bummer. I have been patiently waiting, and believe me I am not a patient person, so these past two weeks have just been torturous. He picks up the machine and bids his goodbye taking my "new toy" with him. I kind of felt like my kids when I take their brand new toy away from them for being naughty. The only thing is I wasn't naughty! I promise!
The store said that they would have it back to me today, Monday (7/23), so I could still keep my first lesson with Ellie. Last night I was so excited that I slept like a kid on Christmas Eve night. Not much! I just got the phone call this morning that the machine is still at the shop and the soonest I can get it back will be this Wednesday, when I can re-schedule my class with Ellie. Super bummer! So now until Wednesday! Here is a taste of what I get to stare at every time I go down in my basement!

So here is part of my "new toy", what do you think? Hopefully after Wednesday I can show you all of it!
On a positive note, I did get a fun box today from the Fat Quarter Shop. I just love that shop! The fabric I ordered for the Vintage Holiday Quilt Along came in along with some other "projects" that I will show you at a later date. I can finally join the rest of the flickr group and add my fabric combo into the mix.
Well hopefully later this week, I can post pics of my entire toy and the results of my first lesson. Wish me luck!