Quilt Sample Update
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
I am pretty excited because I am actually making some "quilting" progress this month. Over the weekend I was able to get my "quilt sample" pieced together at craft night with some friends. Woohoo!
I am pretty excited because I am actually making some "quilting" progress this month. Over the weekend I was able to get my "quilt sample" pieced together at craft night with some friends. Woohoo!
Okay, I hate to say it but I did not start the new year off very good, however, it isn't totally my fault! I wasn't able to complete my January goal due to how crazy busy I was at work this past month. The beginning of the year is usually hard for accountants anyways, but the person who works for me needed surgery, so I had to do her job as well as inheriting payroll because our human resource person left in December! Ugh! Let's just say I am definitely not a fan of payroll and every other Thursday is not a fun day for me! With that being said, January is now over (Yea!!!) and the tax deadlines are met, so hopefully I can start to quilt again!
As you can see I didn't make it very far on my last month's goal of completing my quilt sample, so I am going to "repeat" my January goal for February. The plan is to get this quilt sample finished and off to my local quilt shop, so they have one of my "pieces" to show potential customers! So wish me luck!
<div align="center"><a href="http://mmedendorp.blogspot.com/p/the-countdown-to-christmas-quilt-along.html" title="Better Off Thread"><img src="http://betteroffthread.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/countdown.png" alt="Better Off Thread" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
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